President's Message


On behalf of the founding board members, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Cultural Impact Foundation, Inc. We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization that was formed in 2017. Our mission is to commission and support unique cultural projects that can improve our understanding of historical events by revealing acts of human kindness and heroism in the face of adversity.

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Recent Projects


Cultural Impact Foundation, Inc. identifies unique cultural projects that can open the pages of history in a way few could imagine. It then commissions the production and completion of these projects from among a small group of talented artists, historians, and filmmakers.

May 15, 2024

Faces of Persecution

Faces of Persecution: Exploring Global Religious Oppressions is an educational documentary series of inspiring, insightful interviews with global scholars and experts, and victims of religious persecutions, amplifying the relentless advocacy of grassroots organizations and experts championing the rights of multi-faith religious communities. To reverse the uptick of global religious hate crimes, the series will embolden viewers with a Call to Action to mobilize increased public awareness.
May 7, 2014

Titanic Love – (Love On A Bridge)

More than a century ago, innocent Christian Armenians who were living in the Ottoman Empire during the late 1800s began to flee persecution and massacres during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. These became known as the Hamidian Massacres and took place between 1894 and 1896. It is estimated that between 80,000 to as many as 300,000 mostly Christian Armenians lost their lives

About our foundation

Why we help

Humans are endowed with innate creative abilities; we have formed civilizations and societies, framed laws, built architectural marvels and created cultural masterpieces. It is our creative abilities that have allowed us to produce magnificent cultural and scientific achievements for thousands of years.

Our history

The Armenian Genocide (1915-1923) was the twenty-first century’s first and most documented genocide. In fact, the word “genocide” was coined specifically to describe the planned extermination of the Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Yet, this genocide has largely escaped recognition...

Board of Directors